Robert Rodriguez, is one of my favourite film
directors not only does his film making interpret hidden meanings and has
comical values it he shows a lot of representation through his way of producing
the film. When using his knowledge of cartoon making which helped his
films stand out a mile. Films such as Sin City and Planet Terror. Both films
are filmed in a unique style where he uses hard lighting in effect to create
the Chiaroscuro effect. Sin City was released in 2005 this film uses
colour and it's representation in a very unique way although most of this film
is in black and white there are scene's which will show colour such as deep red
this draws out the sexy female that Robert Rodriguez tries to create this
colour is not only used with female cast but also on the front of the DVD case.
By using this effect helps draw out hidden meanings such as their emotion as
red is related to; love,compassion, blood, death e.c.t
Robert uses this carefully as he wants to keep the film noir effect this is why
he keeps the colour to a minimal and only uses this on certain characters
such as the 'Yellow Bastard' played by Nick Stahl .Robert uses this on
the main character 'The Yellow Bastard' . This is to
draw out all of Robert Representatives to help the audience
understand his film the way he wants them see the film he does this by manipulating them into taking
in the colours. Robert was very cleaver when using this technique he used it
carefully and simply but by doing this he raised his stakes in the film
industry when Sin City flew in the film world and was shown all over the world
due to high demand. The way in which Robert created the films added his
influence of his passion in cartoons. Once the film was released it was highly
noticed for how abstract it was to others out.
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